Alcohol disorders

Self-assessment test for alcohol disorders

Please answer the following questions as a guide to the level of harm that alcohol may be causing to you. Please be aware that drinking patterns vary enormously and test results should not be used as a substitute for clinical advice.

    NeverMonthly or less2 to 4 times a month2 to 3 times a week4 or more times a week

    1 or 2 drinks3 or 4 drinks5 or 6 drinks7 to 9 drinks10 or more

    NeverLess than monthlyMonthlyWeeklyDaily / almost daily

    NeverLess than monthlyMonthlyWeeklyDaily / almost daily

    NeverLess than monthlyMonthlyWeeklyDaily / almost daily

    NeverLess than monthlyMonthlyWeeklyDaily / almost daily

    NeverLess than monthlyMonthlyWeeklyDaily / almost daily

    NeverLess than monthlyMonthlyWeeklyDaily / almost daily

    NoYes, but not in the last yearYes, during the last year

    NoYes, but not in the last yearYes, during the last year

    Interpreting your score

    8 to 16 points – indicates hazardous or harmful alcohol use
    16 to 19 points – indicates a high level of alcohol problems
    20 or above – clear need of evaluation for alcohol dependency

    Note: Questions are adapted from The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) published by the World Health Organization, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.